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All the features of the 125 square yard plot in Bahria Town Karachi

Posted by Salaam Estate on August 13, 2023
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One of the most popular plots that we see in Bahria Town Karachi is 125 square yards. This is the most popular and common plot size that citizens offer. However, there are other things that are taken in regard such as the family size as well as the space that they would like. If you are looking for a 125-square-yard plot in Bahria Town Karachi, then keep on reading as this article will provide you with all the information you need.

The precincts that offer 125 square yard plots

Bahria Town Karachi is filled with all kinds of precincts that offer citizens unique living standards whether it is a villa or apartment. Hence, getting through all of the precincts is a hassle because of the tremendous amount. Some of the most popular precincts that offer plots in the 125-square-yard bracket are precincts 10B, 11B, 12, 14, and 15. These are the main precincts that offer a plot of 125 square yards with ease. Keeping in mind, there are a ton of other precincts as well that deliver this range of plot but, they do not have it fixed on their lists such as precincts 15A, 15B, 23,24, and 25.

The price ranges

The price of 125 square yard villas is different for every precinct. You might see a rise in some and a decrease in some areas. This is mainly because of the price fluctuation due to the economic status of Pakistan. Other causes also include the location of the precinct, the location of the plot, the disturbances of prices of construction materials, and much more. Hence, there will always be ongoing price differences whether you are looking within the same area or precinct or if you are looking in a different precinct.

The price range of all the plots and the plot sizes increase by months or even sometimes days. Hence, it is highly important to maintain strict notice on the prices of the precincts as well as the villas. Precinct 10B has a current rate in the range of 42 to 58 lacs. Precinct 11B has a price range of 42 to 58 lacs. Precinct 12 has the highest rate which ranges between 52 to 78 lacs. Precinct 14 has a range which is the lowest of 37 to 55 lacs. Lastly, precinct 15 comes with a range of 39 to 58 lacs.

When we compare the prices before, there has been an increase in the starting price. The starting price has gone up while the last settlement price has remained the same for all of the precincts. Hence, there is a continuous motion of the different price ranges which filer out in making a decision for your final living.

If you are looking for a lower settlement rate then precinct 15 B comes in a price range of 28 to 48 lacs. Precinct 15B has a range of 27 to 45 lacs. Precinct 23 ranges from 25 to 42 lacs. Precinct 24 has a price range of 25 to 42 lacs and precinct 15 ranges from 30 to 45 lacs. Hence, you will be able to find the precinct that you like the most while having the best-fitted range. All of these have some of the best capabilities to present to citizens which break upon numerous opportunities.

The structure of 125 square yard plot

Bahria Town Karachi offers some traditional and luxurious looks, as per the wants of the customer. There are some lavish and fancy 125 square villas as well which presents a more miraculous look. Hence, you can always count on getting your own ideal structure for your 125 square yard plot. However, there are some guidelines that you need to follow in Bahria Town Karachi such as having a hallway. Hence, apart from this, you can always construct however you like with your ideal rooms.

The common way is that 125 square yard plot usually consists of 3 bedrooms in total. One bedroom is on the ground entry floor and 2 of them are located upstairs. The villa also comes with a dining room, and kitchen which is seen on the first floor as well, a living area and bathrooms.

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